The CCA is pleased to take part in the first Night of Philosophy and Arts in Israel, co-presented by the French Institute on May 28. Join fifteen renowned French philosophers and over seventy established Israeli intellectuals for a night of riveting discussions.
7pm-8.15pm – In English Panel: Recycling and the Future of Humanity? Ecology and the Future of Humanity Participants: Cynthia Fleury, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Dan Rabinowitz, Daniel Mishori
8.30pm-9.15pm – In Hebrew Discussion: Catchers and Left-Outs in the Social Field. What Can Psychoanalysis Do for the Marginalized? What can Psychoanalysis do for our Marginalized? Catchers in the Social Field Participants: Hagit Aldema, Gabi Dahan
9.30-9.50pm – In English Lecture: Who is the Hunchback of Theology? Mark Alizart on Walter Benjamin’s Marxism
10pm-11.15pm – In English Panel: Is the Worst Yet to Come? Catastrophe in the XXth Century and the Catastrophe to Come Participants: Nicolas de Warren, Alain Fleischer, Michael Foessel, Jean-Pierre Dupuy
11.30pm-1am – In English Lecture: Nicolas Bourriaud – Art in the Anthropocene: Humans, Objects and Translations Moderator: Chen Tamir Respondents: Nicola Trezzi, Noam Segal, Mark Alizart