A new exhibitionat the CuratorialStudiesGalleryof the Kibbutzim College of Education and the CCA:
“Mágia(r) kocka” – Hungarian Magic Cube – video exhibition of Hungarian artists
Curated by
Dvora Bochman
Participating artists:
Eike, Lajos Csontó, Tamás Komoróczky
Ádám Ulbert, Erika Baglyas, János Sugár
Endre Koronczi, Ilona Lovas, Szacsva y Pál
Gyula Július, Zsolt Vásárhelyi, Szabolcs KissPál
The Mechanicalpuzzlecalledthe Rubik’s Cube, was inventedin 1974byErnoRubik, a sculptorandDoctorof Architecturefrom Budapest, Hungary. Rubikdealt with thegeometryandthe studyofthree –dimensional forms and aspired tocreatea channel through whichstudentsclarify issues of 3DformDesign.
The hypothesisthat successful export of thecube had a major contribution to accelerating thetransitionfrom communismto capitalism remains controversial, butthere is no denyingthat it was the best sellingtoyin history. In this exhibition, Rubik’s Cube is viewed as a metaphor forcomplexsystems, which their convolutedmechanism is hiddenfrom view, anddeciphering them requiressophistication.
The gallery space, commonly known as a ‘white cube‘, acts here as an artistic equivalent ofa Rubik’s Cube. Both function as mechanisms charged with secrecy, utilizing puzzles andgamesas their governing rule.