January 8, 2014, 7:30 pm
Michal Helfman will discuss her work and sources of inspiration, along with a Q&A session.
The talk will be followed by the launch of the CHANGE catalogue, co-produced by the Center for Contemporary Art and Sommer Gallery. This layered volume includes chapters on the notions of body, stage, history, landscape, and community within Helfman’s work, with contributions by Roy Brand, Eli Petel, Noam Segal, Nicola Trezzi, Raphael Zagury-Orly, and CCA’s Sergio Edelsztein and Chen Tamir.
The catalogue is edited by Chen Tamir and Nicola Trezzi, and designed by Nadav Shalev.
This evening is part of a series of public programs held in conjunction with CHANGE.
Admission fee: 10 NIS
CHANGE is supported by OUTSET
